Yes, it's good for getting an eyeful of the well-drawn environments, but it's less useful when trying to keep an eye on the action and it's got a knack for heaving on some nasty surprises. It does manage to mix up its action intermittently with some more cinematic moments that wrest the camera control away from the player – as well as a few that escape the confines of the ship - but such moments are rarities and for the most part it employs the same in-your-face perspective that's blighted the last two instalments. In short instalments it's fine, but over the duration of its lengthy campaign Alien Breed 3: Descent can long outstay its welcome. Outside of the basic action, however, it's strictly limited in scope, with exploration limited to running from one control panel to another in order to open the door to the next area.

There's an array of weaponry that's satisfying across the board, from a meaty boomstick to a pulse-firing gun that's warmly familiar, although ammo-reserves for all are limited and it's not uncommon to find yourself swatting away at the enemy with the standard pea-shooter in a fit of panic. For this final instalment the action feels fittingly climactic, and its twin-stick gunplay deals well with the escalating number of aliens thrown the player's way. Steam hisses and strobes dance across the torn metal of the stricken space ship that house the action, while the emergency systems seem to be slipping further and further into dementia.

Team 17 manage to wring an incredible amount of atmosphere out of the Unreal Engine, and Alien Breed 3: Descent's derivative nature does little to dull the fear this can inspire when playing with the lights out.